Latest news

Our students’ Norwegian sailing adventure

Three Year 10 students recently returned from an exhilarating 12-day sailing expedition to Norway, marking the beginning of an exciting new annual tradition for the school. Kasha, Lucy and Belle, along with nine students from Hymers College in Hull, embarked on the round trip of 450 nautical miles aboard CatZero, a 72-foot Challenge Round the […]

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Welcoming new students with exciting transition days

To offer our new cohort of students a taste of secondary school life before they join us in September, in early July we welcomed them here for three exciting transition days On day one, students took part in icebreaker activities, toured the school, and experienced sample lessons alongside current Year 7 mentors. The second day […]

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Triumph and team work – sports day 2024

Our annual sports day was a huge success, thanks in great part to the weather that couldn’t have been better. It provided the perfect conditions for our students to showcase their athletic prowess and team spirit. The morning kicked off with a series of field events, where we saw some impressive displays of strength, skill, […]

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The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form is here for one reason: to help all of our students realise their dreams.

To do this, we make sure that our young people feel part of our safe and caring community and challenge them to grasp every opportunity that their education offers. They can then leave us with the strongest possible set of exam results, outstanding inter-personal skills and a real understanding about where their passions and talents lie.

These are the qualities and traits that we think are critical to a good education. They open doors for young people, and the more doors that they have open - the more choices that they have.

At Wensleydale there are tangible outcomes to show that we are setting our standards high. Ofsted has praised the work that we do. Our exam results are on a very positive trajectory and exceed the national average, and we regularly compete and excel against schools much bigger than ourselves.