Mocks, Marines and Milsom

1st December 2017

On Tuesday morning Year 10 had a bit of a short, sharp shock as the Royal Marines took over their PE lesson. Students were put through their paces,military style and felt the burn. The Royal Marines also gave a motivational assembly, about the rewards of hard work and determination and an insight into life in HM Forces. The session certainly made an impact both physically – students were still feeling their aches for 2 or 3 days after – and mentally, as I had a most interesting conversation with some female students about being a woman in the Armed Forces. As ever, we are very grateful to the Royal Marines for their time and effort.

YR 11 and 13 were hard at it this week, as the first round of Mocks kicked in. Apart from a few technical hitches with heaters , as the hall was freezing on a couple of days, the week has gone really well. Students might disagree, as a few of the papers were – in the words of Mr Wilkinson- ‘rock hard’, but the attitude, determination and effort from the students has been admirable. Personally, marking the Y13 A level Business papers was one of the most encouraging moments of the week, as you can really see the effort they have put in. As a thank you, despite the cold snap, we allowed all of Year 11 to go into Leyburn for ‘Free Friday’. Well deserved. Mocks continue next week, with a mock results day for Yr 11 the following week. A big  group effort from the staff, means the marking turnaround time has been very swift.

A few weeks ago I was emailed by another Headteacher, Matt Savidge to enquire whether I would be able to meet and talk strategy. Matt runs a small rural secondary school in Milsom, Cumbria and is facing many of the same issues as we are. Rurality, limited resources, academy headaches, small 6th Form -all very familiar. We spent a few hours today sharing ideas and just having the time to talk tactics. I hope to visit Milsom on a return visit in the New Year. I was also welcomed by All Saints School in Ingleby Barwick this week, Kevin Mann the Headteacher shared his journey from being a single academy to being part of a Multi Academy Trust. These conversations are incredibly helpful, as we continue to refine our intentions towards the academisation programme. More meetings next week.