Victorious violins, Christmas carols and lunchtime laughter!

15th December 2017

This week has certainly been a busy one! Over the last few weeks we have been preparing for our new look Winter concert, ably led by Mr Hadfield. There have been some understandable stresses and strains on performers and staff, as they all rehearse and plan for the evening’s performance. It always surprises me just how much organisation these things take, but nevertheless despite a few hiccups along the way, a very warm welcome was extended to all our guests on a wintery Wednesday evening. The quality of performance and musicality was outstanding, notable performances from India Atkinson, Arthur Moss and the unique duo of Dan Harwood and Mr Ashcroft, but it has to be said that the year 7 violinists bought the house down. After just 4 lessons, the ensemble played with gusto in front of proud parents. A top evening which is set to be a regular feature.

Talking of tradition, we walked the whole school through Leyburn this week, in order to attend our now traditional Christmas carol service with Rev’s Hepper and Lawton. When I arrived as Headteacher, this has not been a regular occurrence and whatever your personal beliefs, it is very important that our children get exposure to all religions and cultures, so the carol service is a perfect time to embrace the spirit of Christmas. Mr Wasden may never speak to me again however, as I nominated him for a festive competition set by the  2 reverends – eating chocolate covered sprouts may not be something Mr Wasden wishes to repeat. The message of the service was about traditions and the true meaning of Christmas – The Wensleydale School and Sixth form has established quite a few new traditions over the last 2 years, I am sure there are a few more yet to come.

Finally, today we ticked off another tradition, as the whole school sat down to a festive Christmas lunch. It is no mean feat to get all the students and staff served in an hour and half, but with a lot of goodwill and support from everyone, we managed it. Table cloths and crackers at the ready, the senior and support staff cleared and reset the dining room 3 times over during lunch service. It was a fabulous atmosphere and a huge thank you to Lol and all the kitchen staff for putting on a very excellent lunch.

One more week to go!