Governor’s Blog

12th January 2018

Governor’s Blog autumn/winter term 2017

Belated best wishes to you all for 2018!

As Chair of the governing body, I thought you might be interested to hear about our work in the last term of 2017 – there’s much to report!

As a full governing body (FGB) we met twice last term. At the first of those meetings we were joined by two Regional School Commissioners to discuss our options in becoming an academy, if we choose to do so.  As you may be aware, many schools in England are academies or in the process of converting to academies, so this was an opportunity for the FGB to understand what’s involved in the process.   As a school judged to be ‘good’ with the capacity to improve ever further, we are in the fortunate position of being able to review all the options open to us.  There are many factors we will need to consider, and we will keep all parents fully up to speed on any developments as we move into 2018.

Also during this meeting, following by a presentation by Mr Barnett, Assistant Head, Governors approved the new 6th form Business and Innovation Centre starting in autumn 2018. Since the official launch of the Centre in November, we’re extremely excited to see such interest in this new offer which will provide a unique experience for its students.  Governors also approved the provision of a school bus running from Catterick to TWS starting in September 2018.

At the second of our FGB meetings in late 2017, alongside a full head-teacher update from Mrs Polley, we approved a number of overnight and overseas trip requests.  We also discussed in detail the results of the mock exams for years 11 and 13.  We talked at length about some of the areas of concern, and the action the school will be taking in early 2018 to support students fully in their preparation for their exams.  Governors heard that teachers already have in place many exam preparations sessions – both at lunchtime and after school – and students are being encouraged to attend as many as possible.  I’d encourage any parent/carer who is concerned or would like to discuss the progress of their son/daughter to contact the school.

Alongside the FGB, there are other Committees which meet during term time – such as the Teaching and Learning Committee, which meets twice termly and reviews the quality of teaching and learning in school and the provision of extra-curricular activities. At its most recent meeting, this committee received a report on the Faculty Review process, which forms a key ingredient of the school’s internal monitoring of the quality of our provision for students. The Personnel and Pastoral Committee met once this term to review pupil attendance and behaviour, trends and actions. They also reviewed the school development plan relating to pastoral care and an overview of child Protection and Safeguarding. This committee also considered the effectiveness of catering and nutritional provision. Also addressed at this meeting was the school structure, new staff, leavers and other staffing issues and policies due for review. The Finance Committee have met once to monitor the budget and ensure that there will be no unexpected over-spend which might significantly deviate us from our planned forecast. The Disciplinary Committee met to consider the head’s request to permanently exclude a pupil for a serious breach of the school’s Behaviour policy. The committee upheld the decision.

All minutes of governors’ meetings are available in school.

There are currently 3 governor vacancies and we are actively seeking individuals who can commit time to the school and have the relevant skills/experience.  If you’re a parent/carer of a student in school and if you’re from the local business community and would be interested in supporting the Wensleydale School and Sixth Form, please do get in touch with the school directly.

Wishing you and your family well for the year ahead!

Julie Woodyer

Chair of the Wensleydale School and Sixth Form