Combined school action across Richmondshire

2nd February 2018

It has been a very challenging week across our community, as a number of young people have been taken to hospital from several schools in our area, due to a surge in the supply of illegal drugs. Below is a copy of a letter that is being circulated to all parents/carers of secondary school students across Richmondshire and also attached is an advice leaflet from Dr Lincoln Sargeant , Director of Public Health North Yorkshire County Council.

02 February 2018

Dear Parent/Carer,

Use of the drug MDMA (Ecstasy) in the local community

Please see attached a very important communication from North Yorkshire Public Health service.

Our schools continue to be very safe environments, but the safeguarding of students is a top priority wherever they are and that is why we are jointly working to support the police and public health services.

Please be assured that our schools will take robust action against any student involved in taking or supplying tablets. Parents are also urged to share any information they have regarding drug use with the police and school. Where schools receive intelligence about drug use and those involved, we will pass that information to the police.

Our schools all deliver a programme of drugs education in a variety of ways and will continue to do so.

PH Briefing on Ecstasy