Community cohesion in the face of fierce budget restrictions.

9th February 2018
In times of fierce budget restrictions and increased government pressure on schools to ‘do more’, it is with some pride I write about how, as a school, we are entering into  strong partnerships with local primary schools and wider community. Over the last few months we have been able to send our Drama teacher – Mrs Moss, on a secondment to deliver some drama education to the Yr 5 and 6 students at Hawes Primary school. Mrs Moss makes the 17 mile drive up the dale to Hawes on a fortnightly basis and has delivered lessons on Physical Theatre to the students.For some this is the first time that have been able to have drama education and has been a fantastic experience. Mrs Moss has been thoroughly impressed with the students aptitude and enthusiasm and hopes to ‘top it off’ with a performance in front of the students parents just before Easter. It is a privilege to be invited and welcomed into our primary schools and we are sending our intrepid Mrs Moss in the direction of Le Cateau primary after Easter!
STEM continues to have a big influence on our science department as we continue to offer science experiences to our students and the primaries. Already this year we have hosted primary students for an interactive science and maths day, back in September and hosted a marine engineering event for Year 7 in January. We also have entered the Rotary technology tournament at Catterick Garrison, where Mrs Bradley, our DT Teacher, is hoping to walk away with an award with her crack KS3 team.
Mr Wilkinson (Deputy Head) is passionate about Space and everything that goes with it. Teaching GCSE Astronomy, through a lunchtime club, combined with his love for Physics means he always manages to get a ‘space ‘ reference into his whole school assemblies – no matter what the theme. Imagine his excitement as he attended Teesside University last week, to hear about their marvellous project to launch a rocket into space. The project is in its early stages, but we very much hope that our school ( and Mr Wilkinson) will be able to be part of the mission.
Finally, The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form has had a vibrant Parent Teacher association (PTA)  in the past, but sadly over the last few years it has faded away. It is therefore very encouraging to be told that a number of parents are wanting re reform the association and once again take an active part in supporting us to make school life the very best it can be for our community.