Deputy Headteacher’s Blog

23rd March 2018

A week ago today I had the pleasure of accompanying our students on the London Theatre Trip. The highlights of the trip were a performance of ‘School of Rock’ on Friday night and then a matinee performance of ‘Wicked’ on Saturday afternoon. As many parents will know, we had to make an unscheduled over-night stop in Chesterfield as the bad weather set in on the M1. Our students behaved impeccably – so much so that the manager of the hotel in Chesterfield wrote to us to pass on her thanks and commented on how ‘courteous, polite and well behaved’ our students had been.

Continuing on our musical theme, we had our Spring concert on Wednesday night featuring a range of our extremely talented musicians. The concert went really well and students, parents and friends of the school had nothing but positive feedback to give. We are really fortunate to have such talented students at The Wensleydale School and the concert was a great showcase of this talent. The students really connected well with the packed audience.

I would personally like to thank Mr Hadfield who has worked tirelessly over the last week, organising the London trip and also the Spring concert – he works exceptionally hard and is passionate about music in our school.

We have also had a great deal of sporting success this week. Emily Avison and Megan Beswick made their debuts for the Area Hockey U15 team beating Scarborough this week. Lee Thompson was a key player in the Area U15 boys football team reaching the Playstation national cup final. The Y9 Boys and the Y10 Boys teams have both reached the Area plate football finals this week against Easingwold and Thirsk respectively. All Y11 GCSE PE students have now completed their practical videoing for their exams, culminating at Eastbourne stadium in Darlington this week with an athletics match against Richmond school.

To continue the sporting success, we are delighted that Kyle Rabjohn has been selected as a reserve to run for England Juniors in X Country against Ireland, Scotland and Wales this weekend at Nottingham.

As we approach the end of the Spring term, our Y11 and Y13 students are gearing themselves up for their final exams which start in May. We are putting on an extensive range of revision sessions during the Easter holiday to support them and we are also launching our ‘Study Saturday’ programme which will be available to Y11 and 13 after Easter.

Have a great weekend and we look forward to lighter evenings next week after the clocks go forward on Sunday.

Mr Andy Wilkinson, Deputy Headteacher