Interview successes, cricket congratulations and D of E reality!

27th April 2018

Interviews have been held this week for a number of positions including Teacher of science, General Teaching Assistants and the Grounds Maintenance Handyman. Quite a variety of different skills and techniques  have been on show through the week, as we put the candidates through their paces in a variety of situations. We have, I believe, made some cracking appointments and I was very impressed by the quality and commitment of the applicants. For the first time in a long while, we have had a high number of applicants, so had to implement  shortlisting criteria and make ‘cuts’ before final interview stage. Although a bit brutal for the potential candidates, it does allow for a very robust process. Our new Teacher of science made an excellent impression both with students and staff, being dressed as Harry Potter for a science  lesson will always catch your attention and the students thoroughly enjoyed the session -more importantly, they learnt a lot! I will formally introduce our new staff later this term.

The GTA positions are necessary due to the resignation of a key GTA who is leaving to start a family. Mrs Metcalfe will be sorely missed, but we wish her and her husband all the best with the forthcoming patter of tiny feet. We decided that we are now in a position to offer GTA apprenticeships, as well as a full time post. During my last 2 years teaching A level Business, I have obviously passed on some valuable skills, as 2 of our current Year 13 students applied. I have to say the quality of their applications, performance at interview and the skills test were outstanding and I am delighted to say they were both offered posts. As a school, if we are able to offer employment opportunities to our students, to start them on their future career path – I reckon we have done a good job , it also demonstrates that our new Post 16 Business and Innovation offer has a firm foundation.

A big well done to Harry Hill and Joseph O’Keeffe who have been selected to play Area U15 cricket this week. The boys are consistently strong and have an enormous level of dedication and skill to be asked to play at this level.

Finally, the reality of D of E Bronze sank in this week for our intrepid students. Mr Macintosh and Mr Berry set off on Tuesday for a gentle ramble around Hawes and an overnight camp out. The students were in good spirits, but after a few navigation errors, meaning they passed the same older couple of walkers twice and ended up going round in a huge circle and not actually getting anywhere, coupled with a  damp overnighter , meant many lessons have been learned! Also well done to Sophie Clements – who as one of the shorter members of the group, bravely carried a rucksack that was almost as big as she is.