Healthy eating, new faces and too much paperwork!

6th July 2018

This week Y8 were lucky enough to participate in a  ‘Healthy Eating workshop’ with ex student Jodie McGregor. Jodie has her own health, fitness and nutrition business in the local area and kindly came into school to show students how to rustle up tasty food that’s healthy too. Yr 8 seem to be a very ‘foodie’ group and are very competent in the kitchen, so they really embraced the session and hopefully learned a few tips and tricks along the way.

On Monday and Tuesday we hosted our new Year 7 students as they took part in their transition days. It can be so daunting to start a new school, but thanks to Mrs Stanyon and the Yr 7 tutor team,  an hour of drama ice breaking exercises soon had everyone smiling and making new friends. Quite fun to shout ‘hula hula’ and watch 64 students start hula dancing! The days ended with a parents evening to showcase their experience, hear from current year 7 students about their experiences , taste the lunch food and buy uniform. Due to some important football match,  it was very slick evening and everyone was away before kick off!

Finally, as the school year starts to draw to a close there is no let up on the paperwork and planning for next year. Too much time in the office this week- but all this will change on Monday, as we are officially starting the 2018-19 school year! Mr Wilkinson has done a marvellous job of rewriting the timetable, so for the first time we are able to start the new year 2 weeks early. For all students, the biggest shock will be for Year 9 – to be Year 10 on Monday and officially start their GCSEs.