New term, New Faces

7th September 2018

How swiftly summer goes.

This week we warmly welcomed our new year 7 students, who looked a ‘tad’ nervous at  9am, but by 3.45pm they were smiling. We also welcomed new faces on the staff , Mr Ellis- Business, Mrs Collins, Head of Maths/IT and Mr Lundie, Progress Leader KS3, both Mrs Collins and Mr Lundie will teach science. The site team have been incredibly busy during summer, fixing, mending and refurbishing many areas of school. The science block has had a coat of a paint throughout,  both computer suites have had a refurbish and upgrade, the English Faculty have moved downstairs to be with drama and Humanities upstairs to be with languages, as EBacc Faculty.

There are changes to tutor time as well, with all students, except Yr 11, having a very purposeful timetable of activities encouraging ‘Character and culture’, with some leadership and resilience added in. The idea is to promote greater independent learning and a sense of community within our students.

Although we ‘rolled over’ our timetable early in July this year, there have been a few ‘IT gremlins’ to unpick and final touches made, to things like homework and revision timetables, but as we end the week everything is in place and ticking along nicely.

The school is buzzing with purpose and a sense of urgency to get things done. Just the way I like it!