Mr Ashcroft gets a coding lesson from Hawes primary students!

5th October 2018

Mr Ashcroft and Mr McIntosh were the lucky ones this week, as they visited Hawes Primary school to give a computer science lesson to Year 5 and 6. They left with a car full of programming bits and pieces, along with a lesson plan and bags of enthusiasm. All went well. Too well in fact, as it turns out the students at Hawes are quite good at coding and computing and both Mr McIntosh and Mr Ashcroft had to rethink their lessons and up their game. So for the second time recently, I say hats off the primary students and staff – we have much to learn .

The Reeth Astronomy club had read about Mr Wilkinsons GCSE Astronomy group in one of the local parish magazines. This year in fact Mr Wilkinson has ‘grown’ the group to over 20 students including some very able and eager Yr 7s. The Reeth members were so impressed by the students commitment and interest that they have very kindly purchased a super telescope for the school. On Friday they joined the current Astronomy students in the library to talk about their passion and to hand over the telescope. Mr Wilkinson – beaming from ear to ear- will be using the telescope during the coming months to further students knowledge and understanding. We are most grateful to Reeth Astronomers.

Finally, the Yr5 /6 Open Evening on Thursday was a huge success. It was exciting to meet many new faces and welcome them to our school. A special mention must go to the brave Year 7 students who delivered speeches to a packed Hall. One parent said – ‘Our decision was made as soon as the students spoke’. Delivered  with eloquence, confidence  and humour, a big well done and thank you to Nick O’Keefe, Aiden Lerigo, Evelyn Semple and Abi Plumpton. Good job guys.