Life on Mars and a moving assembly

14th February 2019

Colin Stuart, international astronomy author and speaker, delivered a fascinating and engaging  lecture on ‘How we will live on Mars’ . The lecture was open to  all students in Y7,8 and 9 plus selected Y10/11 students. Y5 and 6 also joined us from Leyburn primary school. Colin talked about the barriers and pitfalls of launching a mission to Mars and explained how astronauts have to work on their fitness, whilst in space, because the lack of gravity causes bones to weaken and soften. Colin told us that whilst researching his book he met with Tim Peake, Britain’s’ first astronaut. Tim explained how the astronauts hated using the exercise equipment on the space station, as  it delivers electric shocks to the body, in order to stimulate muscles.

One of the most fascinating facts  Colin described was the toileting arrangement in space. I had thought that shooting stars were meteorites or dust burning in the atmosphere. Apparently not always – sometimes it is astronaut poo!

We are incredibly grateful to Colin for giving a most engaging and thought provoking lecture. Students of all ages thoroughly enjoyed the experience and demonstrated a high level of knowledge during the Q and A session.

Finally , Mr Wilkinson delivered a moving assembly this morning focused on Musharraf, a young student featured in  ‘Educating Yorkshire’.  Mr Wilkinson began by saying how each and every one of us have a unique skill or talent , that sometimes we are unaware of. Musharraf had a very severe stammer during his school years and had been a victim of bullying, but now as a young man he makes his living as a motivational speaker.  This clip tells his story :