Wellbeing garden – latest

15th July 2019

Thank you very much for your contributions to the Lavender fund for the garden path edging.

I am happy to say that the garden is progressing well and the plastic bottle greenhouse is slowly taking shape.

Thanks to W A Tunstall for the wood donation to build the structure. The deluxe bug hotel has been built by year 9 students under the direction of Alana Teasdale and Henry Stokes.

I spent 3 hours rotavating the patch to improve the quality of the planting area. Thanks to Simon Winstanley LTD for the loan of the rotavator and Ryan Wheeler for his advice and supervision of my rotavating. On Monday, 6 tonnes of top soil was delivered to the garden thanks to Metcalfe Farms to improve the depth of the soil.

We plan on planting the area in September as we will be able to water the plants in regularly to ensure that they survive.

We have covered the vegetable patch area with weed matting and plan on making some large raised planters, to plant vegetables in over the next academic year.

We are looking for some bark chippings to cover the weed matting around the planters, so if anyone is able to help me source some bark chippings  please email me on kate.huitson@wensleydaleschool.net  the area we plan on covering is approximately 36msq.

Our next project in the garden is a sunken cobble seating area, that the students designed using tree stumps as seats .

Kate Huitson
