Students praised for their integrity, warmth and determination

15th August 2019

Students at Wensleydale School & Sixth Form have been praised not just for the results they have achieved, but for the people they have become, as the Class of 2019 opened their A-Level and BTEC results this morning.

While the students have gained an impressive set of results that has seen many of them secure places at their first choice universities, apprenticeships and employment, it is the manner in which they have achieved these results that has won them the respect of their teachers, peers and families. Outstanding results for Matthew Weatherald who goes to Newcastle University to study Civil Engineering; Libby Winspear off to Harper Adams University to study Agriculture and Simone Stevens  who moves to Leeds Beckett University to study Criminology with Psychology.

 Just before the exams started, the school was hit with a tragedy as 17-year-old student James Ashcroft took his own life.

Julia Polley, Headteacher, said: “We are a small, close-knit school. Saying farewell to James was incredibly difficult.

“Yet, despite the challenges that our students were facing, they wanted to continue with their exams not just for themselves, but for James, his family and each other.

“That is why the Class of 2019 will be remembered for so much more than just the results that they achieved. They have acted with integrity, warmth and determination in the face of huge sadness and loss. While we are all so proud of their achievements in the exams themselves, we are even prouder of the young people that they have become.

“This is a very special group of students who will go on to very bright futures.”