What is the Secret to Happy Teenagers?

18th September 2020

Our deputy head girl, Lydia Allison, is starting a regular blog where she will be sharing her thoughts and experiences of school life. This week she explains what support structures have been put in place to make sure all students at The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form can thrive.

What is the Secret to Happy Teenagers? Now that is a question asked by every carer and parent around the world for thousands of years, at a rate of 14 times a day. Yet, in many ways it has the simplest of answers. Like the rest of humanity we need the freedom to voice our opinions, an opportunity to thrive and blossom and to be accepted for the person we want to be. To achieve the utopia that is the Institution of Happy Teenagers, our school created the student council. 

Like with most secondary schools, a student council is designed to fulfil the requests of the students. But, how could this council be any different from others? I hear you ask, well that too has a straightforward answer. We are a strong community. As a council we work with our pupils and the local community to create a strong support network. 

When you incorporate a dedicated Senior Student Leadership Team along with a series of supportive Peer Mentors into our council, it allows us to aid students’ mental well being and turn their ideas into a reality. The council prides itself on creating the best environment for transitioning students so that they feel a part of our family. What truly makes us unique is that our students will always come first, and THAT is the secret.