DfE Update

8th December 2020

The Department for Education has emailed all schools this afternoon. They have decided that  we can close early for Christmas- but only by 1 day. Therefore this is to let you know that the last day of term will now be THURSDAY 17 DECEMBER.

Below is the extract of the email :

End of term – advice for schools

To ensure that staff get the time off they need and deserve, schools may wish to use an INSET day, making Friday 18 December a non-teaching day and using the day for staff training, which could be delivered online.

We recognise this communication has arrived with schools late in the term but would ask schools to be as helpful to parents as they can by sharing any changes to end of term arrangements as soon as possible, particularly where schools choose to make Friday 18 December a non-teaching day. Your support with this is appreciated.’

They have also asked that I be available for the week before Christmas to assist with additional track and trace , should any students  have a positive Covid test in the last week of term or the 48hrs after we close. Therefore, as all other staff will be on holiday, please email me if you have a positive case to report as early as you can. julia.polley@wensleydaleschool.net

I will email again if there are any further developments.

Stay safe

Julia Polley