
15th February 2022

Last week was Apprenticeship Week, an event held to promote alternative educatory routes for young people aged 16 and over. Apprenticeships are available from GCSE to degree level and allow you to learn on the job whilst getting paid, meaning they help you to get your foot in the door of your chosen industry early on.

Whilst apprenticeships were traditionally reserved for physical skills-based jobs, they’re now available for all sorts of vocations. In fact, the likelihood is that there are apprenticeship opportunities for whatever your chosen field of work is; a quick browse through the Apprenticeship Guide website offered adverts for events management, bookbinding, AI data specialism, and nuclear operations. There will be placements for jobs you’ve not even heard of yet!

If getting paid to learn (and doing so outside of the classroom) sounds interesting, there a plenty of resources online to get you started on your journey. The GOV.UK website has lots of information about how apprenticeships work and what you can expect here, including a page on the application process, which is as simple as making an account online.

If you would like broader information about occupational and educatory routes, the National Careers Service has helpful articles about a plethora of work-related topics. They also have lots of tips and tricks for writing CVs, acing interviews, and making easy-to-follow action plans for your future. You can take a look here.