The end of term is here

7th July 2017

On Tuesday we hosted a videographer and sound engineer , as they spent the whole day filming various activities in school as part of a refresh of our website in September. The most amazing part of the day was seeing them use a drone camera to capture a great aerial shot of the school and grounds. Many staff and students were filmed giving interviews to camera, which is much harder than it first seemed. We are looking forward to the finished article, which will be available in the new term.

As a school we are constantly looking at ways to improve the quality of teaching and learning, to give students an even better experience. When we observe lessons, the students sometimes behave quite differently to how they normally react. For example a class which usually holds sparky debates and discussion, might become subdued and quiet as they feel a little embarrassed in front of the Headteacher or Deputy Head. Teachers also often struggle with nerves, the very act of having someone in their classroom can put them off their stride. Additionally when we are trying to explain a new concept or way of teaching , it is often easier for staff to ‘see it’ to gain a better understanding of what is required. Therefore we have invested in a system called ‘Lessonbox’ which allows the teacher to film themselves and for SLT to remotely watch a lesson for an observation without being in the room. More details will follow in September, to reassure parents about how the footage will be used – it is not for public  use and purely a teaching tool, but I am convinced it will help to improve teaching.

This week we have said goodbye to Mr Seaborne and Miss Hildreth, as they leave to take up new posts and explore new horizons. My very best wishes to them both.