Record numbers attend Open Evening

13th October 2017

Extra chairs were required as families flocked to The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form Open Evening last night.

Over 250 people came to look around the Leyburn school, which is significantly higher than numbers who have typically come to the event in previous years.

Julia Polley, Headteacher, said that this is a sign of the progress the school has made.

“Given our strengthening results, the very positive feedback from Ofsted and the outstanding performances by our students at some high-profile events, last year felt like a significant year for us.

“We have always had incredible support from our immediate community but, looking at where people travelled from to visit us last night, it would appear that the interest in the school is starting to spread.”

Based on this growing interest, The Wensleydale School is now looking to trial a free bus service from Catterick in the 2018/19 academic year.

“The interest from places near the A1 is growing, but parents were understandably concerned about travel costs. Our governors have, therefore, agreed to trial a free bus service next year which, if successful, we will look to roll out in future years as well.”

As part of the night, guests got to take part in some spectacular science experiments, were impressed by the musical talents of the students and experienced some of the lessons and activities that students at the school do on a daily basis.

Mrs Polley added: “The feedback from those who attended was amazing. The highlight for me, however, was seeing how animated our students were when they talked about their education and experience here at the school.”

If any families were unable to attend the Open Evening then Mrs Polley stressed that the door is always open for anyone to come and have a look round.

She added: “If you would like to come and take a look at why we have a strong community and big ambitions, then please just give us a call and arrange a time. We would be delighted to show you around.”