Debate Team up against tough competition in Thirsk!

17th November 2017

On Wednesday evening, a small but happy band of Mr Barnett, Emrys Lawton, Rosalind Monaghan and Imogen Hayden set off to do battle in Thirsk at one of the regional English-Speaking Union debate competitions. Our team were in ‘opposition’ and had prepared a full on robust argument. The team have to be prepared for taking ‘points of information’ throughout their speeches and think on their feet to rebut the opposing team. It was always going to be tricky ,as we went head to head with some very high performing schools both state and private. Unfortunately we didn’t quite make it through to the next round. However this was not due to any lack of effort and commitment. Bring on the next competition!

Anti bullying week has been a very proactive affair this year. All the tutor groups from yr7-9 had prepared short presentations to deliver to the whole of KS3 in assembly on Tuesday. The message was very clear – we don’t want bullying at TWS and furthermore students have come up with some very strong campaign ideas. There is to be a prize for the winning tutor group – details to follow, but I was so impressed I have asked  Mrs Stanyon to form a working party from the students, so we can implement some of their great ideas.

The perennial uniform issues had started to re-emerge this week. Missing top buttons, ties, a few pairs of trainers creeping in, some suspect trousers and too much jewellry were the common culprits. The biggest issue was that we were not challenging students enough as a staff. In the morning students are perfectly turned out, but as the day progresses standards start to slip. Therefore action was needed! With the cooperation of all staff, we had a huge crack down on Wednesday. I managed to visit every tutor group and make a visual check on uniform, at lunchtime when I again saw the whole school in the lunch queue, just a few gentle reminders was all that was needed to correct the minor infringements. Funnily enough as soon as the uniform was corrected, behaviour in general also improved and the boisterous ‘play’ as lunchtime ceased. It was lesson to us all that standards are very important and make a huge difference to the students and school environment.

Children in Need today and no uniform in sight! A big thank you to everyone who participated and especially to Tom Reynolds, senior prefect, for organising the fundraising, £436 raised. A big well done to 11Huitson who raised £44 for non uniform alone. Very generous. Thank you.