Farewell exams and snapchat caution

1st July 2017

The final exam is over, the exam hall and desks tidied away until Mocks in November, the marking nearly complete. Exam season done! For all of the students in yr7-10, it has been a mixed reaction to formal exams in the hall. To their credit Year 7 were probably the least ‘fazed’ and behaved extremely professionally in their exams, whereas Year 9 struggled a little more with the formality of it all. Nevertheless, we will continue to hold end of year exams in this way, as it really will prepare students for the rigours of their GCSEs and Post 16 exams.

On a more worrying note there has been some concern nationally about the new map facility on ‘snapchat’. Those of you who have followed our journey this year , will know my feelings on social media and this new map tracker app will be a worry. The BBC link gives more details about what to look out for and how to be safe when using ‘snapchat map’.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-40509281

Some fantastic news this week for Jess Johnson who has been selected to play for Leeds United Ladies U18s. This takes real dedication and hard work and it always surprises me that some students think such success is a ‘given’. Jess trains really hard and has perfected her skills, so this is the reward. As Lee Jackson would say – there are no short cuts, hard work brings success.

D of E have been out this week for their practice run, before next week’s assessment. Sadly the weather was really unkind to them, but the majority managed to do their best and got  a lot out of the experience.As you read this I will be gearing up for the Year 11 Prom at Tennents. After all of their hard work this year, I am sure they will be looking forward to a great evening organised entirely by Shannon McIntyre.

Next week TWS hits The Great Yorkshire Show.