The REME Band rocks TWS music students

20th October 2017

On Thursday lunchtime the REME band launched into a spontaneous  performance, whilst students had their lunch. The Army musicians were in school to deliver a workshop to our music students, however the impromptu concert really caught the interest of a wide range of staff and students. We are really grateful to the soldiers taking time out to share their experience and performance tips.

Earlier in the week we held around of interviews for the vacancies we currently have open. I was impressed by the imaginative use of cheese cubes in a Food lesson and an exercise on unpicking the elements of design in modern life. Some really good candidates left the panel with some tough decisions, but I am pleased to say we have made 2 very strong appointments and the staff will be joining us shortly after half term.

Year 11 enjoyed a rather more relaxing day on Wednesday, as they took part in a revision skills workshop event. A range of activities were available to students throughout the day, all designed to focus the mind and kick start their revision. Mind mapping, memory techniques, using memory cards and getting into the mind of the examiner were all on the menu, but the best session had to be yoga, for relaxation and mindfulness.  A huge thanks to everyone who made the day a success, particularly Kelly who inspired some of us to revisit yoga!

Finally, as the students enjoy an early half term break,  the staff are busy being trained in Kagan techniques. Not another yoga pose, but instead a co operative learning method aimed at including all students at every possible opportunity within lessons. Often the term ‘group work’ can conjure up an image of 1 or 2 students working, 1 looking out of the window and 1 dominating any conversation. The aim of Kagan is to eradicate that image and instead, through using techniques such as Think, Pair, Share or Rally Coach, all students are included and have a voice in cooperative sessions. By the end of Friday, all staff will have completed day 1 and from what I have seen so far, are looking forward to learning even more techniques on day 2 in January.