Currency, Culture and Character- The 3 Cs

18th May 2018

A rare treat this week, as I attended the PixL regional meeting in Leeds on Monday. It is sometimes necessary to take a step back and have reflection time and as we plan for next year, the PixL meeting was timely. For many years schools have been judged  on ‘Currency’ – % of good teaching and % of good exam grades. Whilst it is easy to ‘measure’ success in terms of  Currency, it is sometimes very difficult to’ measure’ pastoral success, the Character and Culture of a school and it’s community. Of course we can measure attendance rates, exclusions  or C2s, but often there are many aspects of a student and the school that go unrecognised and this is not right. I often say that exam grades are not the only important thing in a student’s time with us. Obviously they need to do their very best, but for some academic success alludes them despite best efforts.

So I was heartened to hear at the PixL meeting that there are ways in which we can develop the Character in ALL students and embed social attributes such as leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication to improve our Culture. To that end, we are busy planning for September when students will embark upon some activities during tutor time to build these vital skills. The 3 Cs will become a part of what we do and the ‘Wensleydale Way’.

Exam season is well underway and the initial reaction from year 11 is that they have felt prepared and have actually enjoyed the exams so far. I have to say that they have behaved impeccably. Standing in as Exams officer for 2 days this week, as Mrs Geater is on a training course, has been eye opening. The regulations are very strict and there has been much checking, rechecking, unlocking and locking of the safe room- alongside some teeth grinding- as I package up scripts and keep everything running smoothly. All went well, but I am pleased to say the Exams Officer is back on Monday!