Debate team impress!

14th September 2018

Today I was a very proud Headteacher once again. Our debate team of  Kate Hudson, Amy Neate, Sophie Neate, Rebecca Kilker, Emma Haresign, Maddie Hey and Zoe Bell took over Leyburn Town Hall and in front of eminent guests, including Rishi Sunak MP, conducted a powerful debate on the motion ‘ Our generation deserves to be called the Snowflake Generation’. A lively debate over whether or not ‘helicopter parenting’ is to blame for the lack of resilience amongst young people or whether the term is simply not true, as social media gives teenagers a voice, so in fact they are braver than previous generations in sharing their thoughts and feelings. The ‘opposition’ won in the end, but Rishi favoured the proposition argument. This is the second year of public debate and we are very grateful to Cllr Karin Sedgwick for making it a new annual tradition.

Yr 7  have shared an exciting couple of days at Low Mill Outdoor center, engaged in a number of team building exercises and icebreakers. They have made a great start in school and all students seem keen and ready to go.

Last week I spoke to our new Year 11 cohort who are starting their all-important GCSE year and I began by pointing out that there were only 28 teaching weeks until their final exams start! Each year our staff put together an impressive package of support to ensure that students go into their exams feeling ready and prepared.  One of the key strategies is a revision programme which runs during our lunchtimes and after school and covers all subjects of the curriculum. It is effectively an additional period for all students each day from Monday to Thursday. To encourage Year 11 students to attend these sessions we allow them on a Friday to go into Leyburn provided that they have attended a minimum of three revision sessions in that week. It is widely known in our school as ‘Free Friday’ and is a reward for students’ hard work and commitment to their studies. We take time to go through our expectations of students’ conduct and we regularly send a member of staff into Leyburn to supervise them. So, if you have ever wondered why so many of our students are visible in Leyburn on a Friday, it is because so many of them have worked hard during the week and are enjoying a little bit of freedom and relaxation time during what is undoubtedly a very stressful year for them.

We are also delighted to announce that we have a renewed Parent Teacher Association. The last version folded some years ago, however the initial meeting on Thursday has established a real desire to make ‘it happen’ again. More details will follow.