Deputy Headteacher’s Blog

11th May 2018

As our Year 11 and Year 13 students have been gearing up for the start of their final exams, the rest of our students were treated to two highly successful enterprise days on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The Ryman National Enterprise Challenge allowed our students to develop their enterprise and employability skills. Two teams from Wensleydale have now qualified for the National Finals at the end of the year where they will have the opportunity to pitch their idea on stage to former Dragon’s Den star Theo Paphitis and a panel of high profile judges. The winning team from Years 7 and 8 were:  Shay Taylor, James Thompson, Billy Walker, Rosie Jennings, Eve Sutherland and Gabby Such. The winning team from Years 9 and 10 were: Rebecca Kilker, Sophie Neate, Zoe Bell and Jordan Prudenti. The staff running the event were thoroughly impressed with our students’ hard-working attitude and their resilience in tackling a range of demanding tasks.

The Year 8’s were also treated today with a cello recital by the internationally renowned cellist Tanya Anisimova who is visiting our country as part of the Wensleydale concert series. Tanya’s cello playing was simply stunning and it was wonderful to hear such a talented musician filling our school hall with her music.

Finally, as I write this blog, our school caretaker, Mr Yates, is setting up the school gym with exam desks and chairs ready for the forthcoming examination series. On behalf of all the school staff we wish our Year 11 and Year 13 students well in this very stressful period. I joined the school when the Year 11’s were near the end of Year 7 and I have personally seen how hard they have all worked throughout the last 4 years. They are the first group of students to face the majority of the new, more challenging style of GCSE’s and we will all be supporting them as best we can. Our Year 13 students will be sitting their A level examinations and over the forthcoming weeks each student will sit an average of 9x 2-hour papers!

We wish all of our students the best of luck.