Gym squad , Firefighters and Presentation evening

26th January 2018

This week has had a real mix of activities and successes. Gymnastics is not a sport we usually excel at. However, this year we have some very talented and determined students who have practised in their own time, sought coaching advice from the PE staff and on Friday represented the school  in the Area Gymnastics tournament in Northallerton.  With such a level of dedication it comes as no surprise that they have walked away with a string of medals,

Xander Connelly: 1st Vault 2nd Floor 2nd Overall (advanced category)

Riley Teasdale: 1st Floor 3rd Vault 1st Overall (advanced category)

Katelyn Carr : 3rd Vault (advanced category) and more results still coming in, as I write.

So ‘hats off’ to Katelyn Carr, Nicole Rhymes, Hannah Carr, Millie Holden, Xander Connelly and Riley Teasdale for perseverance . This sort of leadership and personal effort embodies the key behaviours in our school of Positive, Hardworking and Respectful.

Which brings us to another massive success for Will Handley in Year 9. The North Yorkshire Fire Service run a week long Lifesavers course, designed to promote resilience, leadership and other problem solving skills. It is a real privilege to be chosen to represent the school and Will was certainly a deserving student. This afternoon a delighted Dad rang to let us know that Will had excelled on the course, diligently completed all the extra homework set each day and was highly praised by the Mayor and the Fire Officers at the presentation afternoon. Some students need to see the value of education in a real life scenario, in order to make the link between qualifications and career choices. Will has had that opportunity and knows he needs to work hard to achieve in order to realise his new found goal. A huge thanks to all the Fire Service personnel, who made this happen.

On Thursday evening over 200 invited guests, parents, staff and students gathered together to recognise the fantastic achievements in 2016-17. Our guest speaker Hannah Russell, a local entrepreneur, former student and published author of the ‘Little Alf’ books gave a fabulous speech. More on this story to follow next week, but for now Congratulations to everyone who won an award and a huge thanks to Hannah


Have a good weekend.