Parental support at Information Evening

12th October 2018

On the barmiest October evening I can remember, parents arrived to participate in the Information Evening on Wednesday. Periodically, as Headteacher, I invite parents to participate in open discussion about the strategic direction of the school and inform them of key strategies or changes to the school organization and curriculum. This year the focus was very much on financial pressures across education as whole and the specific pressures we are facing, as a smaller rural secondary school. The meeting was well attended and parents engaged enthusiastically, at times challenging, but on the whole in a supportive manner as I explained some of the more difficult decisions that might lie ahead.

North Yorkshire schools have been relatively slow to embrace academy conversion thus far, but we are certainly seeing more schools consider this as a possibility. In light of further budget cuts, I explained the rationale behind looking at possible alternative models for the school during the coming years. I have written previously about economies of scale and the demographic dip – all of which contribute to looking at the best solution for our community and the students within it. My overriding message was , although times are tough we are not shying away from making rational and at times difficult decisions, in order to maintain a high quality of education in Leyburn.

Parents also heard about changes to our data and reporting system – GO4Schools and the way we are planning to assess KS3, along with how we have transformed our tutor time programme through the Character and Culture initiative.

As always, I would like to thank our parents, staff and students for their support, as we navigate the somewhat choppy waters of education at present.