School’s Out for Summer!

20th July 2018

As we end this academic year, I would like to thank all parents and carers for your continued support. Also a thank you to those of you who took time to complete the parents survey earlier this year. Overall, a positive response with some excellent suggestions on how we can improve further.

There have been a number of challenges this year, not least, reduced budgets and funding cuts which has meant we have to closely monitor all spending in school. I am determined to protect the quality of education in school, but have to be realistic about some projects that may have to remain on the wish list for a while longer. There has been a commitment from the Local Authority to start to refurbish the school’s changing rooms and facilities- this work will take place during 2019.

We have made a number of strong staffing appointments, which take effect in September. All of the new members of the teaching staff are outstanding teachers and have a wealth of experience in both Senior and Middle Leadership.

We have had to say goodbye to some staff, who leave us for new ventures:

  • Ms Gemma Ingelby (PE) – leaves after 14 years to pursue a completely new career.
  • Ms Liz Moss (Drama) – to take on Director of Theatre at a prestigious private school in Scotland
  • Mr Paul Davies ( Science)- returning to supply teaching
  • Miss Hannah Nicholas ( Science Technician) – to start University

A reminder that from September the Catterick Bus will be a free service. This is initially for 2018-19, but I hope that uptake will allow the service to be free in future years.

I would like to remind parents that we do expect students to be in full uniform in September, summer uniform is acceptable until 1 October 2018, however jeans and leggings are NOT acceptable uniform items. Similarly, please ensure your child has black school shoes, not trainers for the new term. Hoodies are also not uniform and need to be removed when indoors. We have steadily increased the number of school equipment items considered to be essential, for high quality learning. Therefore, from September we will expect students to have a pencil case with at least their 7-a-day ( 3 pens – 2 black and 1 green, pencil, ruler, eraser and glue stick). Other items which are useful include, a trigonometry set and a non programmable scientific calculator.

A new 2018-19 Parents handbook will be issued in September along with the usual permission forms including a new GDPR form, all of which will need signing and returning.

I wish you all a very relaxing and stress free summer holiday. Term starts on Tuesday 4th September 2018, for all students.