The Wensleydale Way

25th May 2018

This week has all been about ‘The Wensleydale Way’. Arriving in style this morning for his GCSE English Lit exam, a Year 11 student epitomised the community and it’s values by arriving in a JCB and parking it , very neatly, in the car park. We often forget that real life continues whilst we are in the exam season bubble and this student is balancing his revision and school work with work on the farm. I quite often see our students during the weekend, driving up and down the lanes helping with silaging etc and it is with some pride that I congratulate all of our students who are demonstrating this phenomenal work ethic.

The staff meeting last night, again reiterated our ‘Wensleydale Way’ as we look forward to the challenges of next academic year, new ofsted frameworks, the post-16 Business and Innovation launch and other new pastoral initiatives. Last week I wrote about our vision for Character and Culture in our school and this week we have made real strides in implementing this in our school. Throughout the week I have been fortunate to meet with a variety of organisations who have expressed an interest in our school. A visitor from a senior strategy group at NYCC, was amazed at how we offer so much early help and intervention for students with wellbeing issues and concerns. It is a move that is strongly supported by NYCC and wider government as they urge schools to do more to support students with deep seated issues that can affect their learning. I thought all schools did this – apparently not the case. What is frustrating however, is that when we have completed our work and have identified real needs, there is often a long wait after referral, if anything is offered at all.

A senior PixL adviser also visited this week and was flabbergasted at the innovative Post-16 Offer we have devised. As I talked to him about our debating successes, enterprise day winning teams, musical talent and academic improvements, he was genuinely delighted with all our achievements and commented on the strength of our vision – The Wensleydale Way.

So as this half term draws to a close, it is heartening to know others are recognising the sheer determination and hard work from our staff to make things better for the whole of our community. I wish everyone a restful break, particularly year 11 and 13. However, don’t forget school is open next week for additional revision!