ALL human!

8th March 2019

After  a superb half term break in glorious sunshine, school resumes with renewed enthusiasm this week. For the Yr 11 and 13 students, time really is moving on and very shortly the summer exam season will be upon us.

Whole school assembly was on the theme of Vulnerability. I talked through how we are all human and vulnerable at different times in our life. Babies, for example, are extremely vulnerable in their first few years of life, but things happen to make all of us anxious and worried from time to time including being ill, breaking up with someone we care about, making a mistake or failing an exam.

We are fragile, our emotions are fragile and sometimes we can become very vulnerable, very quickly. WE need to be handled with care and we we need to handle others with care. This is life and we need to understand that no one is super human – we all have emotions and things upset us or make us anxious. When we see people who are feeling vulnerable we should have empathy – they feel like this today, it might be us feeling like that tomorrow. We also looked at ways to make people feel better and more understood. Listening skills are key, to actively listen takes time and effort. This clip demonstrates the art of using listening skills effectively :

The assembly finished with a focus on how we can empathise and be kind to people who are having a hard time, including those not in our own friendship group.

Finally a huge ‘Well Done’ to Will Smith  for being selected to play Rugby for England U18s. Will is a former student so we are doubly delighted for him. Full story on Richmondshire today :

Bishopdale teenager selected to play rugby for England U18s