Every little helps……

12th April 2019

‘Bags Of Help’ is a Tesco community grant that funds thousands of local projects right across the UK.  Projects  range from improving community buildings and outdoor spaces to buying new equipment, training coaches or volunteers and hosting community events.  So imagine my delight and surprise when I received phone call a week or so ago, to say our school has been awarded £2000 grant funding through this scheme for our  garden project. Some Yr 10 students had approached me, earlier this year, to see if they could develop some land into a more relaxing garden space. To be honest I had totally forgotten that I had applied- but we are very grateful to Tesco for their support and will be making a start on the garden in the Summer Term.

End of term assembly is always full of awards and recognition of hard work and well deserved praise. This morning a whole raft of students received awards for Area and County colours in Cross Country, Badminton, Football and Rugby.  We also made mention of the 150 students who had received an afternoon at The Old School House for film, karaoke and dance in recognition of their ‘Zero negatives’ this term.

Last week some of our STEM club students were selected to take part in the Salters chemistry Challenge at York University. Our students also competed in 2 competitions, we actually came out as winners in the University Chemistry Challenge. A huge well done to Evelyn Semple, Nicholas O’Keefe, James Peacock  and Olivia Handley. This Is the first time we have entered a big STEM competition and we are looking forward to sending more students out and promoting science within our school.

Don’t forget Ski 2019 goes out tomorrow morning. Due to have great skiing weather and fresh snow.

Don’t forget Summer uniform after Easter holiday.

Don’t forget year 11 and 13 – revision is on on Monday and all through the fortnight!

Have a restful  and ‘revise-full’ Easter.