New school year, new routines!

6th September 2019

On Wednesday we opened our doors to Year 7 and Year 11s, a staggered start due to the damage caused by the flooding in July. Not ideal, but with all of the A floor still a building site, DT block still out of use and skips and contractors everywhere, it was the sensible decision. I am extremely grateful to parents of Yr 8-10 and post-16 for being so understanding.

Every year we tweak working methods to make learning better for our students. This year we have gone much further. The first monumental change is the ‘No See, No Hear’ mobile phone rule. Year 11s  entered with trepidation on Wednesday, as they realised we did mean buisness and after only 90 minutes the first mobile was in the safe. Over the rest of the week I have gathered  9 phones – one by one being collected by parents. It may seem trivial, but the effect on the school and learning has been staggering. Students are smiling and talking to one another, engaging with teachers and genuinely far more relaxed and interested in their lessons. Lunchtime is a pleasure. Next week will be the real test as everyone returns, however Yr11 have set the tone and embraced the concept.

Changes to the way we teach and manage behaviour have also been far sharper and more effective this September. As a staff body the ‘Holy Grail’ is consistency, everyone doing the same thing, every day. Again it is early days, but the way we are supporting staff and working together has made a palpable difference already.

Next week we will roll out the full enrichment and revision schedule. Yr 11 will again be expected to take up at least 3 lunchtime revision sessions in order to get the ‘Free Friday’ privilege. The rest of the school have an extensive menu of clubs and activities to attend during lunchtime, music, mindfulness colouring, craft club, chess, debate, nail art and sports to name but a few.

Looking forward to 2019-20.