Summer Lesson Observations

14th June 2019

This week we have started our last round of lesson observations for this academic year. As the Headteacher it is one of the best parts of my job, to observe good practice from our teaching staff and share the learning with our students. Not every lesson observation goes to plan, but it is myth to think teachers dread lesson observation or that Headteachers ‘ crack down’ on teachers if things go wrong. At our school we have worked hard on being open and transparent, allowing staff to take risks even if the outcome is not the one they had planned for. It also takes time to develop resilience in students to try new things.

I have been fortunate to see some cracking lessons, including topics of farming diversity, complex 4 chord ukulele playing and some first time debaters.

Debating is a real skill and takes a good deal of practice to become fluent. The english lesson seen this week, was the first time Yr 9 students had attempted an authentic debate . It was heartening to see how much progress was made in a relatively short time.

Next week we see the last GCSE exam, which means the focus switches to Yr10, as they start their first round of mock exams.

There is still much to be achieved over the next few weeks, the ‘to do list seems to be growing longer not shorter.

However, CCF is gathering pace. I now have my Regimental number – uniform arrives next week!