The right thing to do….

25th October 2019

This week I have been reflecting on sometimes how ‘The right thing to do ‘ is often uncomfortable. As a school we have always challenged students and parents on school attendance, however this year we have definitely ramped up the frequency with which we are tackling low attendance. It is a well known fact that lost days at school have a direct effect upon attainment in national GCSE and Post 16 exam results. The DfE set very rigorous targets in terms of what schools must do to tackle weaker attendance. There are a raft of measures schools can take in order to improve a students’ attendance, but we are working hard to avoid taking this kind of action.

Our school has set a high target  of 97% attendance across all year groups for the last 3 years. Some parents and Carers have received very legal and strongly worded letters this term, as a direct result of their child’s attendance being below 95%. Whilst I make no apology for this tactic, I do acknowledge that it can be distressing to read such letters. This is why I understand that sometimes the right thing to do is uncomfortable. Please support us by ensuring we are fully aware of any issues surrounding attendance.

On a lighter note, we welcomed the entire governing body into school for a number of key training sessions on Thursday. The day culminated in a Learning walk around school, so governors could see the school in session. Hats off to the RHS gardening group who, together with Ms Huitson, spent the afternoon completing their model garden design as part of the Green Plan-it award. Governors were extremely impressed with the creativity and dedication of these students.

Enjoy a restful half term.