Transition days 2019

5th July 2019

A delightful 2 days earlier this week when we welcomed all our new Yr7s for 2 days of transition work. It was so good to see students from 23 different primary schools attending. Students participated in ‘drama icebreakers’ with Mrs Stanynon, such a great way to encourage and inspire young people to mix- seeing nearly 100 students and staff shouting Hula, Hula is a sight to behold.

The 2 days were full of new experiences for everyone, new subjects, new teachers, new classmates and new food. A packed hall on the Tuesday night as parents and  students returned for uniform fitting, general information and hearing from current Yr 7s.

P&A Food Management also arrived on Monday to launch our new catering service.  A tad hectic on day one, but the quality of the new food is undeniable. Student voice is 100% happy with the new arrangements. My thanks to P&A for making it happen.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Rev. David Clarke from Upper Wensleydale. David has kindly agreed to help us in our final assembly this year, in tribute to James Ashcroft and a more reflective way to end this challenging academic year. On the last Friday of term , David will lead our school in a short service at school, followed by a whole school walk to the Shawl  for Samba and bubbles.

Finally this week I met with Rishi Sunak MP once again. I do try and touch base with our MP during the school year, to keep him up to date with developments but also remind him of the importance of budgets. Hopefully the message will get through to prospective Conservative Prime Ministers!