Welcome to ‘Chess’ our new Yr7

20th September 2019

When Molly arrived as a new Year 7 student this September, she had a surprise for us all. ‘Chess’ is Molly’s Assistance Dog and has been specially selected for her to help with tasks and day to day activities.

Molly told me ‘Chess sleeps in my Mum’s bedroom and helps with my jobs around the house. I have had Chess since May and he is 2 years old.’ Chess’ favourite treats are dog biscuits that Molly keeps with her.

Chess has caused a stir among our students as he helps Molly get into school and meets her after lessons at the end of the day. Chess is a huge boost to Molly and has given her new independence. Chess has been trained to behave well in public and has a safe and reliable temperament. Chess won’t be (sadly) in school, but will be frequently seen at the beginning and end of the day.

I would respectfully ask that students and parents don’t overcrowd him, although he is trained, his focus is on Molly.