Why have a school uniform?

25th January 2019

The debate over whether school uniforms are necessary or not has long been held. For some the answer is a definitive NO – ‘Focusing on uniforms takes attention away from finding genuine solutions to problems in education. Spending time and effort implementing uniform policies may detract from more effective efforts to  boost student performance says Tom Houlihan, former Superintendent of Schools in America’. However, on the flip side many agree that uniforms are essential to school life, ‘School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. A bulletin published by the National Association of Secondary School Principals stated that “When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork.’ Extracts from https://school-uniforms.procon.org/.

Whatever your standpoint, our school has a uniform. Simple, comfortable and affordable. Since Christmas it has been noticeable that uniform standards have declined amongst a certain group of students in our community. I am taking action to address this. From today, students have  a one week ‘amnesty’ to sort out non regulation uniform. From Monday 4 February ALL staff will be ‘cracking down’ on uniform infringements. I have purchased some boys and girls school shoes, which will be issued on loan to those students persisting in unsuitable footwear.

This may seem a little draconian, but it is wrong that the vast majority of students and families buy and adhere to our dress standards and a small minority choose not to. Please check our uniform page for guidance www.wensleydale.n-yorks.sch.uk/uniform/.

On a different note- snow is on the way, so the Met Office tells me. We have made a change to our snow procedures – we will do everything we can to remain open , but in the event of partial closure, we will open for Yr 11 and 13 to allow them access to GCSE and A level teaching. All  students have been issued with a login for Edlounge and will therefore have access to 5 hours of lessons for each day we  are affected by snow.

Roll on Spring!