Cooking, mentoring and careers

17th January 2020

This week we have seen a range of successes from our students. On Monday evening our school hosted the Lower Wensleydale Business Network (LWBN) meeting in our Business and Innovation centre for Post 16. Alison Laws ( Chair of the network) presented our Yr 13 Business students with Associate membership of the LWBN . This is a huge honour and will last for period of 2 years. The idea is to allow the students access to support and networking opportunities when they leave school. Mr Ellis- Head of Post 16 and I were also given this honour and will attend the meetings regularly to keep up to date with businesses across Wensleydale. The meeting began with a selection of canapes made by the Yr10 Hospitality and Catering students. The food was extremely well received and in particular, Leo Morris the owner/manager of The Saddleroom praised the professionalism of the food and the presentation.

On Tuesday 10 students attended training at The Old schoolhouse, for them to become our first Peer mentors. The training was intensive and focused on listening skills, empathy and understanding mental health issues.

Continuing with the business and careers theme, Wednesday saw the school host another ‘ A conversation with..’ for Year 9. As options are fast approaching is was a unique opportunity to work with key local business leaders during the careers event. Along with The Lower Wensleydale Business Network, the school is determined that its students receive the best possible careers experience to prepare them for the wider world. Students had the opportunity to meet with Paul Saddler Managing director of AC Calvert, artist Lynn Ward, Becci Norwood owner of Salon Beautique and Andrea Lewis a director of GSC Grays.

Finally this week, CCF cadets paraded on Friday. Each Friday CCF will use this opportunity for the CCF Officers; 2nd Lt Wade, 2nd Lt Leathley, 2nd Lt Berry and myself to inspect the cadets and assess the standards of dress and behaviour. This was the second parade and I was hugely impressed with the improvement in attention to detail to the uniform.

However, boots are our next focus!