Strange goings on as Choccy joins our school

7th February 2020


2 new Business enterprises were launched this week.’ Kiss and Bake up’ and ‘Chocoholics’ are ‘pop up’ businesses and will be open later next week. Both are part of Yr13s BTEC level 3 course which requires them to run a business and evaluate its success. There are certainly some innovative marketing techniques going on. However I have also held meetings with the 2 companies and discussed financial forecast, revenue, costs and investment opportunities. The students have really entered into the entrepreneurial world with gusto. I will of course report back.

I also a attended an Ofsted training seminar in Nottingham this week. Many leaders and subject specialists listened  to how Ofsted are applying the new Inspection framework. The overwhelming theme is deep embedded knowledge. We know that students who revisit topics and themes across the curriculum over and over again, gain deeper understanding of that topic. When you reflect that students have 12 years of learning during compulsory schooling, that is along time to develop knowledge. It was reassuring that everything we are currently focused on as a school are the very things that will develop that deep knowledge.

Finally, we also held our first National School Equestrian Association meeting . On Wednesday evening a group of students and their parents met with our new Equestrian Team manager Gaynor Irvine and we started to formulate our plans to compete within the NSEA. As I have said before a long held plan and I will am eagerly awaiting the details of our first riding competition.