Headteacher’s Blog

Winter Concert 2018

7th December 2018

The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form are hosting their festive 2018 Winter Music Concert!   On the 19th December at 7:00PM, The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form will host their festive 2018 Winter Music Concert. Join us at The Wensleydale School in the school hall where a night of fantastic music awaits, including Year 7 […]

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No Mobile Monday – it’s on the way.

30th November 2018

It is a question that keeps some parents awake at night. Should children be allowed to take mobile phones to school? Now economists claim to have an answer. For parents who want to boost their children’s academic prospects, it is no. The effect of banning mobile phones from school premises adds up to the equivalent […]

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Combined Cadet Force comes to Wensleydale

23rd November 2018

As I approach 3 years as Headteacher of The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form, I can reveal that yesterday we were officially granted permission to form a Combined Cadet Force (CCF). This has been a long held ambition of mine, as an Ex-RAF Officer from a military family, I have a full understanding of how […]

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Introducing the new Senior Student Leaders.

9th November 2018

At our whole school assembly this morning Mr Ashcroft led us through the theme of ‘Valuing individuals’, aimed at remembering those who gave their lives for us through the conflicts of the past and present, but also giving thought to those who value us as individuals and give their time to help others. On this […]

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Yr 11 take revision masterclasses

26th October 2018

After a long term, year 11 were ‘treated’ to a drop down day on Thursday to tackle revision. Too often we hear students complaining that they ‘ don’t know where to start’ , ‘there’s too much to do’, ‘revision is boring’ or ‘what’s the point?’. In an assembly Mr Wilkinson and Mr Ashcroft dispelled a […]

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‘Restart a heart’ – a resounding success.

19th October 2018

The ‘Restart a Heart’ day this week, was a resounding success as all Yrs 7-10 and Yrs 12 and 13 refreshed their knowledge and skills on how to administer CPR. It seems as though techniques change over time, so I was also given a refresher course by the NHS paramedics and volunteers. As one Yr […]

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