Headteacher’s Blog

Deputy Headteacher’s Blog

13th July 2018

  On Tuesday 10th July I was invited to present at Central Hall in Westminster at the annual science conference for the PiXL organisation of schools. We have been a member of the PiXL organisation for three years and they have helped us as a school by providing high quality teaching and revision resources as […]

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Healthy eating, new faces and too much paperwork!

6th July 2018

This week Y8 were lucky enough to participate in a  ‘Healthy Eating workshop’ with ex student Jodie McGregor. Jodie has her own health, fitness and nutrition business in the local area and kindly came into school to show students how to rustle up tasty food that’s healthy too. Yr 8 seem to be a very […]

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Activites week

29th June 2018

So much happening this week , Year 7 in France, Year 9 at Bewerley park and participating in a number of different sports, Year 10 on work experience, just leaving Year 8 in school. This year we have designed a unique week, full of leadership exercises from Wise Up, Life skills from Barclays, Samba band, […]

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The Royal Air Force flies in….not literally!

22nd June 2018

As GCSEs come to a close for this year, you would think ‘normal service’ would be resumed in school , but there is simply too much going on! We  were delighted to welcome Grp Capt Peter Mountain into school this week who gave a fascinating presentation on the future of aeronautical engineering to our year 10 […]

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September Post 16 offer

15th June 2018

We launch our new offer for Post-16 students in September 2018. Students will be able to access an exciting new curriculum that will prepare them to exceed and excel in the world of business. Charles Barnett, who will lead the newly created Wensleydale Sixth Form Business and Innovation Centre says: “We want our students to […]

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A ‘Teaching Head’s lot is…… a Happy one!

8th June 2018

As a teaching Headteacher, it has always been one of the most enjoyable parts of my working week. My A level Business students have kept me sane, teaching them and sharing their journey over the last 2 years has been a real pleasure. However, crunchtime this week, as their first A level exam beckoned. From […]

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