Headteacher’s Blog

The Wensleydale Way

25th May 2018

This week has all been about ‘The Wensleydale Way’. Arriving in style this morning for his GCSE English Lit exam, a Year 11 student epitomised the community and it’s values by arriving in a JCB and parking it , very neatly, in the car park. We often forget that real life continues whilst we are […]

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Currency, Culture and Character- The 3 Cs

18th May 2018

A rare treat this week, as I attended the PixL regional meeting in Leeds on Monday. It is sometimes necessary to take a step back and have reflection time and as we plan for next year, the PixL meeting was timely. For many years schools have been judged  on ‘Currency’ – % of good teaching […]

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Deputy Headteacher’s Blog

11th May 2018

As our Year 11 and Year 13 students have been gearing up for the start of their final exams, the rest of our students were treated to two highly successful enterprise days on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The Ryman National Enterprise Challenge allowed our students to develop their enterprise and employability skills. Two teams from Wensleydale […]

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Initiative , bikes and tea.

4th May 2018

Students have really helped me out this week- demonstrating their initiative. The Tour de Yorkshire hits North Yorkshire this weekend, the bunting is flying and  businesses are prepared, as record numbers of visitors are expected to visit our area. As a school, budgets are tight- I think I might have said this before – however, […]

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Interview successes, cricket congratulations and D of E reality!

27th April 2018

Interviews have been held this week for a number of positions including Teacher of science, General Teaching Assistants and the Grounds Maintenance Handyman. Quite a variety of different skills and techniques  have been on show through the week, as we put the candidates through their paces in a variety of situations. We have, I believe, […]

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The exam season begins as the weather warms up!

20th April 2018

On the hottest day of the year so far, GCSE Drama students gamely performed in front of the external examiner on Thursday. As always the preparation for this moment has been lengthy and at times  a real struggle, as students attempt to learn monologues and lines for their chosen play. Indeed as late as Wednesday […]

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