Headteacher’s Blog

Start your Impossible!

29th March 2018

This week has been phenomenal for our school. Not only did our KS 3 team of Zoe Bell, Maddie Hey and Arthur Moss  become North East winners of the PixL Up for Debate competition and are now heading to Oxford University to compete in the national finals in July, but a huge number of other […]

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Deputy Headteacher’s Blog

23rd March 2018

A week ago today I had the pleasure of accompanying our students on the London Theatre Trip. The highlights of the trip were a performance of ‘School of Rock’ on Friday night and then a matinee performance of ‘Wicked’ on Saturday afternoon. As many parents will know, we had to make an unscheduled over-night stop […]

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16th March 2018

Debating can give students the power to persuade, influence and inspire others. It deepens their knowledge of controversial issues and world affairs and makes them better able to appreciate both sides of an argument. The English-Speaking Union’s Schools’ Mace, the oldest and largest debating competition for schools in England, hones all these skills in a […]

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Leyburn Beavers and Cubs enjoying an indoor climbing session.

9th March 2018

Leyburn Beavers and Cubs enjoyed a climbing session this week, on our indoor climbing wall, ably assisted by members of our student climbing club. Our students have gained many skills, not just in climbing,and the confidence building and leadership skills they have learned were put to good use when our young visitors joined us.  Thanks […]

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The best day ever!!!

2nd March 2018

Year 5 and 6 students from our local primary schools had ‘the best day ever’ at the recent Science Stretch and Challenge day. Dissecting a heart, investigating light waves and finding out why some chemicals go ‘pop’, were all experiments that the children undertook during the day. This is becoming a regular feature and the […]

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Community cohesion in the face of fierce budget restrictions.

9th February 2018

In times of fierce budget restrictions and increased government pressure on schools to ‘do more’, it is with some pride I write about how, as a school, we are entering into  strong partnerships with local primary schools and wider community. Over the last few months we have been able to send our Drama teacher – […]

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