Headteacher’s Blog

The right thing to do….

25th October 2019

This week I have been reflecting on sometimes how ‘The right thing to do ‘ is often uncomfortable. As a school we have always challenged students and parents on school attendance, however this year we have definitely ramped up the frequency with which we are tackling low attendance. It is a well known fact that […]

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Restart a Heart 2019

18th October 2019

As we did last year and the year before, Wednesday saw all Yr 7-10 and post 16 students take part in Restart a Heart. The Restart a Heart campaign (RSAH) is an annual initiative led by the Resuscitation Council (UK) in partnership with The British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross, St John Ambulance, and Yorkshire […]

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World Mental Health Day

11th October 2019

At The Wensleydale School we support mental health every day. Yesterday was World Mental Health Day, we would like to share some insights into how we embraced this day in school. Staff supported the ‘Hello Yellow’ campaign run by mental health charity Young Minds – from yellow ties to yellow dresses it was certainly a […]

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Year 9 students pay tribute at Thiepval

4th October 2019

This week Yr 9 students, accompanied by Mr Ellis and Mrs Wade, visited Belgium and France on the Battlefields Trip. When Mr Ellis joined us in 2018, one of the first things he raised was the possibility of setting this trip up. At previous schools I was fortunate to have taken students on the same […]

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The ‘Wensleydale Heifer’ goes back to school

27th September 2019

The Wensleydale Heifer, the boutique hotel at West Witton has donated more than £1000 of food technology equipment to our school this week – providing equipment ranging from a pressure cooker through to baking trays, bowls, knives, and child-size chef whites. The team are also donating thermometers, cleaning equipment, plates and woks. The dozens of pieces […]

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Welcome to ‘Chess’ our new Yr7

20th September 2019

When Molly arrived as a new Year 7 student this September, she had a surprise for us all. ‘Chess’ is Molly’s Assistance Dog and has been specially selected for her to help with tasks and day to day activities. Molly told me ‘Chess sleeps in my Mum’s bedroom and helps with my jobs around the […]

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