Headteacher’s Blog

Headteacher’s update

17th May 2019

A headteachers role can be challenging. For much of my time at Wensleydale I have been able to stand back – view things strategically and make decisions that are wide ranging and need careful leadership. Sometimes, however, you just need to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in. During the very sad time since […]

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In memory of James Ashcroft- a statement from our Head Girl.

10th May 2019

It is with enormous sadness that I  share the news of the sudden and unexpected death last Thursday, of our Head Boy, 17-year old James Ashcroft. James is the son of our Assistant Headteacher, and close colleague, Mark Ashcroft.  This tragic news has hit the school community very hard and we are giving all the […]

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Every little helps……

12th April 2019

‘Bags Of Help’ is a Tesco community grant that funds thousands of local projects right across the UK.  Projects  range from improving community buildings and outdoor spaces to buying new equipment, training coaches or volunteers and hosting community events.  So imagine my delight and surprise when I received phone call a week or so ago, […]

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Vision and Mission

22nd March 2019

A challenging week filled with meetings, discussion and head scratching. As the funding cuts take hold, finding answers as to how to maintain high quality education, uphold academic standards, ensure student and staff welfare is improved and cut costs to ensure financial stability, is becoming harder and harder. So this week I have embarked on […]

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A conversation with the Senior Student Leadership Team

15th March 2019

Student Leadership at The Wensleydale School and Sixth Form The student leadership programme at our school is led by Head Boy, James Ashcroft and Head Girl, Emily Scott who are both in Year 13. This month we asked James and Emily to introduce themselves and to explain what they hope to achieve in the role. […]

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ALL human!

8th March 2019

After  a superb half term break in glorious sunshine, school resumes with renewed enthusiasm this week. For the Yr 11 and 13 students, time really is moving on and very shortly the summer exam season will be upon us. Whole school assembly was on the theme of Vulnerability. I talked through how we are all […]

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