Latest News

Rotary Club Tournament Success

16th March 2022

Last week, our students competed in the Rotary Club Technology Tournament. They did so well, with Magda (Year 10), James A (Year 9), James T-W (Year 8) and Lewis G (Year 7) coming 3rd out of 12 groups, and Abi (Year 10), Finn (Year 10), Tom (Year 8) and Jack (Year 9) coming 4th out […]

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Introducing Our New Governors

16th March 2022

As always, we are very grateful for our fantastic governing board and all of their hard work. In governance news, we’d like to welcome two new parent governors: Hazel Bright, who has two children at the school, and Sergeant Allan Waring. We’re very happy to have them on board. We’d like to thank Sharon Watkins […]

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British Science Week #SmashingStereotypes

14th March 2022

This week is British Science Week! To celebrate, we wanted to highlight the organisation’s ‘#SmashingStereotypes’ campaign, in which they are showcasing diverse teams in STEM industries. Whilst we often have a particular expectation of who a person working in a STEM industry might be, anyone can get involved. The British Science Week website has a […]

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Student Leaders

10th March 2022

As you may know, we have now appointed two new Student Leaders. Having moved away from the Head Girl/Boy system, Wensleydale School now functions with a Senior Student Leader and a Deputy Student Leader. The positions have been filled by Year 11 pupil Jessica Tattershall-Weaver and Year 10 pupil Molly Hunter, respectively. After an application […]

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Fairtrade Fortnight

21st February 2022

Fairtrade Fortnight begins on the 21st of February and is held to promote the Fairtrade system of certification that protects workers’ rights, safety, and pay. When we buy produce from the supermarket, we often don’t think about where it has come from or the journey it has undergone to make it onto our shelves. The […]

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Summer Exams Information

18th February 2022

We presented a summary of the information we have been given by the exam boards about this summers GCSEs.  A copy is available to download below.  Additional, more specific detail will be available on google classroom. Changes for 2022 Exam Season  

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