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Anti-Bullying Week

18th November 2021

If you weren’t already aware, we’re currently halfway through Anti-Bullying Week in the UK, an event setup to help communities to better understand bullying and online trolling. Our school community is a friendly and kind one, and we thought we’d push this even further by letting you know about The Anti-Bullying Alliance’s ‘one kind word’ […]

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Free creative software to get started with

15th November 2021

Lots of jobs are now very digitally based, especially with the rise of working from home. A while ago, we published a blogpost with a list of jobs you might not have heard about (read it here) and many of them were related to commuting skills. While sometimes tech jobs can seem out of reach […]

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Our choir performs at Ripon Cathedral today

12th November 2021

We are incredibly proud of our students who attend the Remembrance Service at Ripon Cathedral today. This was the choir’s first time performing in nearly 2 years, one of our cadets was flag bearer and laid a poppy wreath on behalf of the school and all the service children in North Yorkshire County Council It […]

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Statement over incident on 12th November 2021

12th November 2021

**Statement from the Headteacher, Julia Polley over incident on 12th November 2021** This morning five students became unwell after eating ‘sweets’ shared by another student. They have all been given the appropriate medical attention and their parents have been informed. We are taking the matter very seriously and the bag of sweets in question has […]

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Healthy lunch box ideas

12th November 2021

If you bring a pack lunch to school, making sure that it’s fun, healthy, and will give you lots of energy is a great way to help you power through the day. It’s not always easy to have variety or to know what’s best, though, so we’d thought we’d share some great things to pack […]

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New Sixth Form Prospectus and Open Evening on the 18th November 2021

11th November 2021

We are proud to publish our new Sixth Form Prospectus.  We offer a small number of courses that are geared around getting students started in business.  The focus is on innovation and doing things differently.  Students can go on to university, apprenticeships or directly into employment.  What we offer is quite unique.  It is local, […]

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