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CCF on exercise – 21-23 May

24th May 2021

Cadet Camp started immediately after school on Friday, when our 36 cadets were issued with kit and given a tactical briefing on the local Leyburn Freedom Fighters (LFF) and their quest to drive out cadets from North Yorkshire. After perhaps not the best night’s sleep on Saturday morning,  clearance patrols went out into the local […]

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National Share a Story Month

21st May 2021

We’re coming to the end of National Share a Story Month, an annual celebration of the magic of storytelling hosted by the Federation of Children’s Book Groups (FCBG). This year’s theme was ‘Myths, Magic and Mayhem’ and in spirit of this, we’d like to share some of the FCBG’s magical book recommendations.   The Animals […]

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Mental Health Awareness week 2021

10th May 2021

Mental Health Awareness week 2021 This week is Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of us, more than ever before, have experienced a mental health problem, or seen a loved one struggle. At The Wensleydale school we have a range of support available to students who are finding life tough. We have a […]

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Sailing Club

30th April 2021

We were delighted to receive such positive feedback from the weekly sailing club that some of our students attend with Mr Lundie and Miss Kelly Farell. Along with some fantastic photos, we were told ‘Your students were a credit to you, well behaved, receptive and helpful. I’m glad to hear they enjoyed themselves, there may […]

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100% pass rate exam image

BTEC exam success!!

18th March 2021

All BTEC Music students worked throughout lockdown and had to sit an external exam in January. Year 13 students also had two Business exams in January , both mandatory units in Finance and Principles of Management. We had a 100% success rate as every single student passed. In both subjects the students excelled, with results that were above expectations. Hats off to Music teacher Mr Hadfield for […]

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Rishi Sunak MP Vist

18th March 2021

We were very happy to welcome Richmond MP and Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, to Wensleydale School on the 12th. You can read about his visit in Richmondshire Today and The Northern Echo.

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