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2021 Year 9 Options Process Presentation

28th January 2021

The full details of the options process for this year and all of the subjects can be found here. This evenings presentation can be seen below.  

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Staying Positive During Lockdown

22nd January 2021
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Update from the Headteacher

19th January 2021

From today we are setting lessons as per students timetables. All lessons, with the exception of History and PE in Years 7,8 and 9 ( due to staff illness) will have some live contact each lesson from the subject teacher. Whilst this is an improvement on just setting worksheets or tasks, we have become very […]

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Homeschooling Tips for Parents

15th January 2021

So here we are again. We are starting to get used to remote learning but it’s not easy or normal. Helping your child navigate online learning can still be quite daunting, especially when it’s placed on top of having to manage your own from-home workload. We’ve put this blog together to help you get through the next few weeks.   A key thing to note is that virtual school, while a bit more familiar, is still a new concept so there will be challenges along the way. Giving you and your child regular breaks will help to hinder frustrations, improve their focus and keep things positive. It’s incredibly important not to be too hard on yourself!   So how can we make the most of online learning? First of all, it’s a good idea to get into a routine that works for you and your child. Having a consistent schedule can help you both to get into the right mindset, especially if it reflects the school day they’re used to. Again, this is where making sure to plan breaks and breathers is crucial! This can consist of long lunch breaks with the chance to go outside, eat and completely detach from schoolwork, but also the allowance to take five in order to slow down and relieve stress when things are getting a bit more difficult.  If possible, finding a space in your home that can be designated to schoolwork can also be really helpful, as it’s a great way to separate ‘school time’ and ‘home time’.  On top of this, it can also help you to limit and control distractions.  Lastly, consider setting achievable goals to motivate your child. For instance, splitting large projects into smaller tasks can make them appear less overwhelming, ultimately helping them to feel more confident and productive. It also helps to praise and reward good behaviour and finished tasks!  This is by no means an exhaustive or prescriptive list, but hopefully you can make some use of these tips as we all try our best with our new normal. 

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School Closed due to Snow (Fri Jan 15th)

14th January 2021

Due to snow, the school site is closed on Friday  January 15th).  Online lessons continue as normal.

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Live Teacher Led Lessons

8th January 2021

In order to further improve remote learning for our students, our teachers are going to be running more lessons online and live to students.  It may only be part of the lesson, it may be the whole lesson but we want to increase interaction with students.  Alternatives will be provided to students who cannot attend […]

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