Latest News

Mental Health Directory

31st October 2022

Sam Holmes our mental health nurse has put together a comprehensive directory of organisations, apps and websites to support parents with concerns about their children’s mental health. Read it and download it here.

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Our under 16 football star

14th October 2022

We are incredibly proud of our year 11 student Jack Close, who has been selected to play football for North Yorkshire under 16s next season. Jack, who’s been with us since year 7, started playing football when he was just six years old for Leyburn JFC. When he was 12 he moved to Boro Rangers […]

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Let’s talk about mental and emotional wellbeing

10th October 2022

With 10 October being World Mental Health Day, we thought it would be a good time to talk about this hugely important topic, and share a great resource that has just been launched in North Yorkshire. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 10% of children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable […]

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Year 5 and Year 6 open evening

3rd October 2022

Join us on Thursday 6 October for the Year 5 and Year 6 open evening. It’s from 6pm to 8pm, and here’s Mr. Hadfield, our Key Stage 3 Progress Leader, to tell you more:

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Consultation on proposal to suspend our sixth form provision

30th September 2022

This week our parents, governors, staff and other stakeholders will have received a consultation proposing the suspension of our sixth form provision for two academic years from September 2023. While this has not been an easy decision to take, we feel that it is in the best interest of both the school and our students […]

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HM Queen Elizabeth II

9th September 2022

The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form community is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Her lifetime of service is an inspiration to us all. We offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family. Rest in peace Your Majesty

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